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Level 2 Certificate in the Principles of Medication Administration
Welcome to your course - Level 2 Certificate in the Principles of Medication Administration
Course Information and Work Booklet
Unit - Understand the required record keeping and audit processes for medication administration
Meeting the requirements of regulatory authorities in relation to medication record keeping
Medicines-related Safeguarding Incidents and how to manage in the care setting
End of Unit - Understand the required record keeping and audit processes for medication administration
Unit - Understand the roles & rights of service users/service involved in medication administration
What are accountability and responsibility and why are they important in medication administration?
What are the roles and responsibilities of self and others during the medication administration process?
Ways of working to ensure an individual is involved with their own medication administration
Consent and the individual prior to administering medication
End of Unit - Understand the roles & rights of service users/service involved in medication administration
Unit - Understand different types of medication
Medication Classifications
Different types of medication and their uses
Different routes of medication
Medication side effects
Allergic reactions and Adverse events
End of Unit - Understand different types of medication
Unit - Understand how to administer medication safely
The 6 R's in medication administration
Procedures for checking medication prior to administration
Preparation and methods of administration
Controlled drugs administration, medication refusal and reviewing and monitoring
End of Unit - Understand how to administer medication safely
Unit - Understand how medication is supplied, stored and disposed of
Prescriptions - What is the purpose, what information should be provided and what has to be checked and recorded?
Monitored Dosage Systems - Advantages and Disadvantages
Transferring medication, medication for emergency situations, renewal of prescriptions
Medication storage
Disposal of medication
End of Unit - Understand how medication is supplied, stored and disposed of
Unit - Understand legislation and guidelines related to medication administration
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence & Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
Key Legislation and guidelines
End of Unit - Understand legislation and guidelines related to medication administration
End of course - Next steps
End of course - Thank you
Prescriptions - What is the purpose, what information should be provided and what has to be checked and recorded?
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