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Level 2 Certificate in the Principles of Infection Control
Welcome to your course - Level 2 Certificate in the Principles of Infection Control
Course information and work booklet
Unit - Principles of effective decontamination, cleaning and waste management
Why is it important to have a clean environment when working in a health care setting?
Roles and Responsibilities of Employers and employees in relation to cleaning, decontamination and waste management
Decontamination and it's importance
Biological Spillage and Sharps
End of Unit - Principles of effective decontamination, cleaning and waste management
Unit - Understand the Principles of Infection Control
Infection Prevention and Infection Control
Relevant guidance that supports infection control practices
Roles and Responsibilities of Employees, Employers and Special Personnel
Risk Assessments
End of Unit - Understand the Principles of Infection Control
Unit - Understanding the causes and spread of infections
Infection and Colonisation
Pathogenic and Non-Pathogenic
Systemic and Localised Infection
Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi and Parasites
What conditions are required for the growth of Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi and Parasites?
Healthcare Associated Infection
End of Unit - Understanding the causes and spread of infections
Unit - Principles of good practice in the prevention of infection
Standard Infection Control Procedures
Hand-washing Technique
Ways to protect your patients
Legislation and Regulations relating to Personal Protective Equipment
End of Unit - Principles of good practice in the prevention of infection
End of course - Next steps
End of Course - Thank You
Healthcare Associated Infection
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