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Level 2 Certificate in End of Life Care
Welcome to your course - Level 2 Certificate in End of Life Care
Course Information and Work Booklet
Unit - Understand the importance of Person-Centred Care in End of Life Practice
Defining the word 'Holistic' as it applies to Assessment and Care Planning at the End of Life
Supporting individuals at the end of their life to meet their needs
How can a Health and Social Care Worker assess the needs, concerns and priorities of people nearing the end of life
Care Planning Cycle
How may an individual at the end of life affect their priorities and the ability to communicate?
Your role and responsibilities in responding to key questions from individuals and others regarding their end of life experience
Responding to difficult questions and emotional responses from individuals and others
The importance of sharing appropriate information
Advanced Care Planning
End of Unit - Understand the importance of Person-Centred Care in End of Life Practice
Unit - Understand how loss and grief occurs within End of Life Care
What are Loss, Bereavement, Grief and Mourning?
Concerns and fears that individuals may face at the end of their life
Support available for individuals at end of life and for a bereaved person
Common stages of bereavement and how to support a person during the stages
Cumulative grief and managing feelings of loss and grief
Support available for managing feelings of loss and grief
End of Unit - Understand how loss and grief occurs within End of Life Care
Unit - Understand how to provide support when working in End of Life Care
An individual's adjustment to their imminent death and their feelings, wishes and preferences
A Holistic Approach to managing pain and discomfort
What happens after a death has occured?
Supporting family, significant others and friends of the deceased individual
End of Unit - Understand how to provide support when working in End of Life Care
Unit - Understand the impact of Dementia in End of Life Care
How is Dementia a life limiting illness?
How to establish if an individual with Dementia is in pain or discomfort?
Training and support for staff and others
End of Unit - Understand the impact of Dementia in End of Life Care
Unit - Understand the Principles of End of Life Care and Support
What factors can affect an individual's views on death and dying?
What factors can influence my own views on death and dying?
How can factors relating to the individual's views on dying have an impact on the care and support provided?
How can the attitudes of others influence an individual's choices about death and dying?
The Aims and Principles of End of Life Care
End of Life Care Pathway
Support services, roles of key people and what barriers may an individual face when accessing End of Life Care
End of Unit - Understand the Principles of End of Life Care and Support
End of course - Next steps
End of Course - Thank you
How can a Health and Social Care Worker assess the needs, concerns and priorities of people nearing the end of life
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